The GIFT Library hosted a program on the “Role of Libraries in Building a Strong and Vibrant Community in the 21st Century.”
Honorable Dr.Muhammad Shahid Soroya (Former Director General Punjab Higher Education Commission of Pakistan) and Prof.Dr.Muhammad Asir Ajmal (Dean Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences) was the guest speaker. The guest speakers briefed the audience on the value of libraries, their role, and efficient use of social media. They briefed that how we can break people’s rigidity and engage them in exciting activity sessions through community engagement. In the end, Prof Dr. Abdul Basit Dean of Business School, share his thoughts about this first “community engagement program” gave closing remarks and appreciated the library for arranging such a beautiful gathering. Several library specialists from various institutions, HOD’s and students from different disciplines participated in a seminar. Like
Some of these are listed below: Govt. College Women University, Institute of Information Management, Punjab University, Lahore, PU Gujranwala, QDPS Wazirabad, Session Court Gujranwala, Jinnah Public Library, Gujranwala, Allama Iqbal Open University, Gujranwala Campus, Govt. Associate College, Gujrat, LGS, Gujranwala, Govt. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed Associate College, Mandi Bahauddin, University of Health Sciences Lahore, and many other institutes.